As a result of COVID-19 lockdown measures, corporate communications have needed to change in a big way. For the longest time, this has meant that businesses have had to rethink their conferencing strategies. What if you have an important conference coming up, and it’s still not safe to host the guests you’d like in attendance? It’s time to consider virtual conferencing.
While many people are conferencing from home, it makes sense for senior staff to set up long-distance conferences with reliable technology at an extensive venue. The OEC is pleased to offer incredible capacity of virtual conferencing and physical meetings of all natures and statures. But why should you consider virtual conferencing at all? What’s more, how can The OEC support you? Let’s take a closer look.

Virtual Conferencing and Its Benefits
Virtual conferences, as you can imagine, are large-scale events which take place from afar. However, unlike video and home conferencing, virtual conferencing allows lead personnel and presenters to set up on-site as normal, with the ability to stream and broadcast to employee and shareholders in lockdown.
The opportunities for video conferencing in the COVID-19 age are huge. Broadcasting your physical conferencing with the best hardware means you’ll get access to a bigger, on-demand audience. Employees and guests won’t have to leave their home offices. Conversions are excellent – and what’s more, with the right team and venue, you will likely find a virtual conference very easy to set up.
Live streaming, too, is growing ever-more capable and impressive. Give your virtual guests incredible insight into your conference. Share high-quality footage that records automatically, too – so that anyone who is unable to attend can pickup takeaway data when they can.
Crucially, virtual conferences are cost-effective. Only pay for the hardware you use, and the minimum of personnel actively attending the premises. Pay less to present to more!
Capabilities and Technology Available
The OEC is pleased to offer you a wide variety of technological and software innovation to help broadcast your conference to the masses. What’s more, our technicians will ensure your virtual guests have the chance to interact and get involved with presentations and virtual workshops as they normally might.
For example, you can benefit from the following virtual conferencing standards via The OEC’s fantastic studio and conferencing spaces:
- Full 4K and HD video broadcast and capture – transmit incredible live footage through hyperfast-internet and the best in streaming technology.
- Feed-switching technology, software, and hardware – offer your virtual guests the chance to switch between sessions and presentations. This will also allow them to interact in Q&A sessions, branded showcases and more. Offer your guests a variety of conferencing choices.
- Simple interfacing and flexible solution integration – we work with leading Microsoft suites and Restream to encourage off-site interaction. We only ever use leading suites and conferencing software, which is simple to use, yet technologically proficient.
- What’s more, you will benefit from support from an on-site technician available through The OEC. There will always be someone on hand to help you with complex or advanced conferencing solutions and interactivity.
Our technology and capabilities are of a leading professional standard. However, it pays to have help and support to hand in case you need backup at any point!
How to Put Virtual Conferencing to Fantastic Use
Unsure how virtual or video conferencing could work for your big event? Consider the following applications and benefits via The OEC:
- Set up your end-of year results celebration and analysis
- Share big updates from your industry and encourage debate and collaboration
- Set up a regular conference and collaborate on strategies for the next quarter or year ahead
- Launch a new product line or announce a new service – or, demo a whole new suite or line for your team to get a valuable insight
- Create unique workshops, classes and interactive sessions with employees and specialists from across your company
- Offer unique Q&A sessions and full interview schedules – give virtual visitors a unique insight into professional thoughts and concerns
Virtual conferencing at OEC Sheffield will enable you to share your company news and insights with more people than ever before. Even beyond COVID-19, setting up an on-site conference with minimal people to broadcast to hundreds will be time and cost-efficient.

Why Choose Our Conferencing Spaces?
The OEC’s fantastic spaces are ideal for businesses keen to conference virtually and to share news and ideas from afar. Our private, well-furnished spaces will offer you comfort, and flexibility.
We have extensive capacity for conference parties and guests in extensive numbers. You’ll benefit from elbow-room and modern comforts and facilities, too. Take advantage of hyper-fast Wi-Fi in every space, as well as flexible lighting solutions.
The OEC is proud to offer one of Sheffield’s largest conference centres and facilities. You will be able to host senior members of your team and key employees in our conferencing suites – while projecting your crucial business to hundreds in virtual attendance.
You’ll even benefit from catering and refreshments offered with social distancing in mind. We want to ensure that our guests and patrons are as safe and as healthy as possible.
Bringing Your Conferences to the Masses
Take advantage of comfortable, expansive conferencing spaces while projecting your news and product launches to virtual audiences. Why not look into safe, socially-distant virtual conferences for your big business milestones ahead?
The OEC is looking forward to bringing virtual conferencing to Sheffield businesses and those beyond the county once the COVID-19 safety measures have been lifted. Stay safe and healthy – but don’t sacrifice your conferencing demands. Contact The OEC to learn more, and to set up a virtual conference to play to more than ever before. Why not make virtual conferencing your new normal – and encourage more of your company and shareholders to take part?