OEC Offers

Discount and Offers

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OEC Sheffield Offers

Introducing all of the latest offers and special promotions we currently have on here at OEC Sheffield.

We’ll keep this page up to date with all of our latest deals and upcoming events, however, to make sure you’re one of the first to hear about what’s on at OEC Sheffield, please make sure you sign up to receive our newsletter. You can then rest assured that you won’t miss a thing and you’ll also receive exclusive offers via email, so keep an eye out for some hot offers in your inbox!

Offers - offers

Our thanks to you

NHS / Armed Forces / Police / Fire and Ambulance Services can enjoy 10% off all of our packages and rates*.

Available Sun-Thurs (excluding Bank Holidays). T&Cs apply. Please speak to one of our dedicated Account Managers to discuss this discount on your event.

*Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers.


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Latest Offers

Stay up to date with the latest offers and special promotions at OEC Sheffield! From discounts on event packages to exclusive deals for special occasions, we have something for everyone.

*Terms and conditions apply. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers and excludes all Christmas events and private bookings
Terms and conditions apply. Free place when booking a table of 10 in your birthday month. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers and excludes all Christmas events, December birthdays can be used in November or January)
To claim the offer, call us on 0114 2320266 and quote ‘Birthday Offer’ when booking your table with our events team. Please bring valid ID to prove it’s your birthday that month.
To claim the offer, call us on 0114 2320266 and quote ’Stag/Hen Party Offer’ when booking your table with our events team.
Free place when booking a table of 10 for your Stag/Hen party. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers and excludes all Christmas events
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Live Event Décor Packages

Take the stress out of party planning and set up with our exclusive event décor packages! Designed to tick all your party planning boxes, our event planning extraordinaires take care of everything for you.