OEC Sustainability Policy

Sustainability Policy

Our Sustainability Policy


The OEC recognises its responsibility to protect the environment and is committed to achieve environmental best practice, where practically possible throughout its business activity. We continually seek ways to conserve and protect natural resources, to minimise wastage of raw materials and energy, whilst providing a consistent and quality product/service to our customers.
We conduct internal environmental reviews and annually assess our progress towards an improved environmental performance and revise as necessary. Our customers and guests are made aware of our sustainability policy and to give them the option to help us achieve them. We ensure our team of staff are aware, involved and encouraged to be proactive in wanting to work to and improve our environmental policies.

Our Policies Include: –

Energy Conservation

• Motion Sensor Lighting
• Encourage a “switch off policy” with staff and guests
• Turn down/off heating and AC when certain areas of the venue are not in use
• Endeavour to print and write on recycled paper
• Regular boiler checks
• Purchasing of energy efficient equipment
• Comply fully with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and agreements

Reducing Waste, Recycling, Re-using

• Use fabric napkins where possible instead of paper ones
• Use recycled products wherever possible
• Encourage conferencing customers to use recycled paper cups instead of porcelain cups
• Move towards using environmentally friendly cleaning materials and Micro fibre cloths
• Recycle Kitchen oils
• Food waste is recycled into energy at a local Anaerobic Digestion facility
• Our in-house filtered water bottling system significantly reduces our glass bottle wastage and carbon footprint
• Recycled heat given from the refrigeration units heats the water throughout the building

Water Consumption

• By reducing the quantity of towels and uniforms we wash, we reduce water consumption, energy and use of detergents
• Good maintenance – mending leaking taps
• Full loads in washing machines and dish/glass washers